Tolkien in the Real World: what's this about?

Image via New Line Cinema
What we stand for

Throughout this blog, you will find writing and art created by four enthusiastic Tolkien fans, where our posts range from book reviews to art on topics relating to Tolkien's personal life and influences from nature and industry.

Sometimes our topics can get deep, but beyond that, we're just four guys who love Tolkien and hope to share with you all our musings and creativity. If you are a fan of Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, or everything in between, then you have come to the right place.

Here in Tolkien in the Real World we hope to foster an environment welcoming to all, keeping comments and interactions friendly and supportive. We hope you will have a good look around at all of our works as we put in a lot of time and effort into this blog, and we're proud with how it's coming along.

We've neatly organized the tabs at the top of the page to help you find work which interests you the most.
Go forth and wander!

Image via Lord of the Rings Wiki


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